We are committed to ensure speedy delivery. Your first shipment of a handle and a packet of blades usually arrive within 10 business days when your order is placed. A shipment confirmation email will be sent to you after your order is shipped. You will receive monthly shipment of a packet of blades every month thereafter.
Currently we only ship within continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories. In the future we hope to expand to other international destinations. We encourage you to visit our site regularly for any updates. Better still, you can send us an email and our customer service department will be glad to provide you any update we may have.
In your first shipment, you will receive a specially-designed shaving handle and a cartridge of 4 sharp and long-lasting quality blades. Your initial shipment is distinctively packed in our beautifully designed black and gold executive box. The second and all subsequent shipments will be the 4-quality blades.
Yes, when you become a member you receive a free handle in your first shipment.
Each cartridge contains 4 high quality razor blade refills.
Yes, we offer free shipping to our members. We cover all the shipping cost.
There is no membership fee. Members only pay for the blades that they receive monthly.
They are exclusively designed to fit our handles. Our blades are made from the highest quality steel designed to reduce skin irritation. The design is innovative and includes an enhanced lubricating (Vitamin E & Aloe Vera) strip and a trimmer blade.
Yes, as a member of Contour Shave Club you can order additional handles and blades at anytime. Simply log on using your member’s profile and place your order.
Yes, you can cancel your membership at anytime. It is very important to note that orders already processed cannot be cancelled until the next billing cycle.
Absolutely! You can change your order as a many time as you wish. Just go into your account and change your membership plan.
You can change your contact or delivery details by logging onto your account and updating your profile.
No, you do not have to be home. All deliveries are done by the United States Postal Service. No signature is required.
Yes. You can use our blades to shave your face, head, and neck. They closely follow the contours of your head, underarms and face for a smooth and comfortable shave.
Our blades have been given high reviews for comfort and sharpness by many of our members. You will love it as well. If you are unhappy for any reason, let us know so that we can help you return your products for a full refund.
No. Only members can make purchases.
If you order extra items/products after your regular subscription has been processed, the extra items/products will be shipped with your following month subscription.
Yes. You can change your delivery frequency. Log on to your profile and click on Manage Subscrption.
No. Payment is based on your delivery plan. For example, if you choose a delivery frequency of Every 2 Months, your card will be charged every 2 months.